Epic Care is the outreach ministry of Epic Church. 

Funded by Epic Church and made possible by Epic Church volunteers, Epic Care is bringing food, smiles, compassion and the love of Jesus to those in need in Caloundra. 

Currently serving the community on:

Saturday mornings 7:00am - 9:00am   -    and   -   Sunday evenings: 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Felicity Park, Caloundra (the caloundra library). Drop by and say hello

To volunteer or join the team email: epiccare@epicchurch.com.au

To give to Epic Care please give to:

Epic Church

BSB: 084 034

A.N: 501 279 687

Or Text the word GIVE to 0488 851 837 and choose Epic Care from the drop down menu

Sharing the love of Jesus in a practical way and bringing - Help to Hope!